I did this on here, for Facebook. I'm starting to feel weird about using Blogger like a .txt document, though, haha.
01. I spent my first birthday in Rome, and have been to Italy four times since I was 10.
02. Rooibos tea has ruined me for all other teas; it is amazing, it's strong, it's great hot and cold, and it's South African.
03. Speaking of things that are South African: me. Half, but still. Maybe I've had enough rooibos and Appletizer in my life to be fully South African?
04. I love books. Reading them, holding them, being near them, smelling them...
05. The blender is my very favorite kitchen appliance.
06. I don't have a gallbladder anymore. All it did was torture me, anyway. Good riddance!
07. "[I am] witty, sarcastic... both of those can be one I guess." -
Sophia Nieuwertyuioboer08. My last name is derived from the Old Norse word for "high island" and in Scotland, there is an
Island of Hoy. Bonus! A fact about you: YOU ARE JEALOUS.
09. I'm lucky enough to know a lot of cool people... but I couldn't
live without Sophia or Alexis.
10. If I could get a handwritten, personal letter from anyone, dead or alive, other than Jesus... I'm thinking I'd want Sufjan Stevens or Kurt Vonnegut, at the risk of sounding hopelessly hipster. (
11. If I was the only woman alive, and there was one man with whom I would presumably have to repopulate the earth... ideally, he would be Lee Pace; just sayin'.
12. On any given day, I probably quote The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and/or The Office at least once.
13. I've had really good luck with the internet; it's how I met and got to know a few of the people I've been good friends with for the longest.
14. I write pretty exclusively in cursive.
15. I'm a pop culture nut. It has filled me with a lot of completely useless, albeit entertaining, information.
16. I agree with the general consensus that Shark Week is AWESOME. But, if I'm watching Discovery, I'll be honest... it's probably for Bear Grylls or Mike Rowe.
17. I just wrote something here about how much I appreciate anything Judd Apatow, but then I realized it was stupid.
18. Dogs make me really nervous.
Olde English Sketch Comedy is one of my favorite things in the entire world.
20. Alexis thinks I have a nice butt.
21. I really enjoy walking.
22. I hate mushrooms and cottage cheese.
23. I can listen to just about any genre of music, and enjoy it. Even if it's just to make fun.
24. I really regret not sticking with piano and/or violin lessons when I was younger.
25. I read a lot of blogs.